Poincare oscilator¶
$$ \begin{equation} \dot{x} = \gamma * (A - r) * x - \omega * y \end{equation} $$ $$ \begin{equation} \dot{y} = \gamma * (A - r) * y + \omega * x \end{equation} $$ $$ \begin{equation} r = \sqrt{x^2 + y^2} \end{equation} $$
import sympy as sp
# Define the variables and parameters
x, y, gamma, A, v = sp.symbols('x y gamma A v', real=True)
r = sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
# Define r in terms of x and y
r = sp.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
# Define the system of equations
dxdt = gamma * (A - r) * x - 2 * sp.pi * v * y
dydt = gamma * (A - r) * y + 2 * sp.pi * v * x
# Compute the Jacobian matrix
J = sp.Matrix([[dxdt.diff(x), dxdt.diff(y)],
[dydt.diff(x), dydt.diff(y)]])
Sled in lastne vrednosti¶
$$ J = \begin{bmatrix} -\frac{\gamma x^2}{r} + \gamma (A - r) & -\gamma \frac{x y}{r} - \omega \\ -\gamma \frac{x y}{r} + \omega & -\frac{\gamma y^2}{r} + \gamma (A - r) \end{bmatrix} $$
$$ Tr(J) = 2 \gamma A - 3 \gamma r = \gamma (2 A - 3 r) $$
Fiksne točke¶
$$ \begin{bmatrix} \dot{x}\\ \dot{y} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 0\\ 0 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \gamma * (A - r) * x - \omega * y\\ \gamma * (A - r) * y - \omega * x \end{bmatrix} $$
$$ \omega * y = \gamma * (A - r) * x $$
$$ -\omega * x = \gamma * (A - r) * y $$
Dobimo dve rešitvi
$x = y = 0$
$ r = A $
Točka $x_1 = y_1 = 0$ je stabilna, če je $Tr(J) > 0$ in $Det(J) > 0$ $$ Tr(J)|_{x1,y1} = 2*\gamma*A $$ $$ Det(J)|_{x1,y1} = \gamma^2 A^2 + \omega^2 $$
Vidimo lahko, da velja Tr $Tr(J) > 0$ in $Det(J) > 0$. To pomeni, da je točka $x_1 = y_1 = 0$ nestabilna.
Točka $r = A$. $$ Tr(J)|_{x1,y1} = -\gamma*A $$ $$ Det(J)|_{x1,y1} = \omega^2 $$
Vidimo lahko, da velja Tr $Tr(J) > 0$ in $Det(J) > 0$. To pomeni, da je točka $r = A$ nestabilna.
# Substitute r = A (to evaluate on the limit cycle where amplitude is constant)
J_on_limit_cycle = J.subs(x, 0).subs(y,0)
print("\nJacobian on the limit cycle (x = y = 0):")
Jacobian on the limit cycle (x = y = 0):
# Substitute r = A (to evaluate on the limit cycle where amplitude is constant)
J_on_limit_cycle = J.subs(r, A)
print("\nJacobian on the limit cycle (r = A):")
Jacobian on the limit cycle (r = A):
eigenvalues = J_on_limit_cycle.eigenvals()
print("\nEigenvalues of the Jacobian on the limit cycle (r = A):")
Eigenvalues of the Jacobian on the limit cycle (r = A):
{-gamma*(x**2 + y**2)/(2*A) - sqrt((-4*pi*A*v + gamma*x**2 + gamma*y**2)*(4*pi*A*v + gamma*x**2 + gamma*y**2))/(2*A): 1, -gamma*(x**2 + y**2)/(2*A) + sqrt((-4*pi*A*v + gamma*x**2 + gamma*y**2)*(4*pi*A*v + gamma*x**2 + gamma*y**2))/(2*A): 1}
trace = J_on_limit_cycle.trace()
determinant = J_on_limit_cycle.det()
#Determinant of J
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Parameters
A = 1.0 # Example value for A
gamma = 1.0 # Example value for gamma
# Define a grid of x and y values
x_vals = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
y_vals = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x_vals, y_vals)
# Calculate the trace at each point on the grid
Trace = gamma*(2*A-3*np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2))
# Plot the trace using imshow
plt.imshow(Trace, extent=(x_vals.min(), x_vals.max(), y_vals.min(), y_vals.max()), origin='lower', cmap='viridis')
plt.title(r'Trace of $\left(-\frac{A \gamma x}{2} - \frac{A \gamma y}{2}\right)$')
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class Oscillator:
def __init__(self, index, gamma, A, v, initial_x=0.0, initial_y=0.0):
self.index = index
self.gamma = gamma
self.A = A
self.v = v
self.x = initial_x
self.y = initial_y
def compute_radius(self):
return np.sqrt(self.x**2 + self.y**2)
def update_dynamics(self, coupling_x, coupling_y, epsilon, dt):
r = self.compute_radius()
# Compute derivatives based on the equations
dxdt = self.gamma * (self.A - r) * self.x - 2 * np.pi * self.v * self.y + epsilon * coupling_x
dydt = self.gamma * (self.A - r) * self.y + 2 * np.pi * self.v * self.x + epsilon * coupling_y
# Update the state using Euler's method
self.x += dxdt * dt
self.y += dydt * dt
def get_phase(self):
return np.arctan2(self.y, self.x)
def get_state(self):
return self.x, self.y
# Initialize an oscillator at position (i, j) with specific parameters
gamma = 10.0
for init_x in [0.2,0.5,0.8,1.5,2]:
osc = Oscillator(index=(0, 0), gamma=gamma, A=1.0, v=0.5, initial_x=init_x, initial_y=0.0)
dt = 0.01 # Time step
phase = []
x_state = []
y_state = []
t_array = np.arange(0,10,dt)
for time in t_array :
osc.update_dynamics(0, 0, 0, dt)
plt.plot(x_state ,y_state,lw=1)
# Calculate the trace at each point on the grid
Trace = gamma*(2*A-3*np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2))
# Plot the trace using imshow
plt.imshow(Trace, extent=(x_vals.min(), x_vals.max(), y_vals.min(), y_vals.max()),
origin='lower', cmap='viridis')
plt.title(r'Trace of $\left(-\frac{A \gamma x}{2} - \frac{A \gamma y}{2}\right)$')
# Initialize an oscillator at position (i, j) with specific parameters
gamma = 1.0
for init_x in [0.2,0.5,0.8,1.5,2]:
osc = Oscillator(index=(0, 0), gamma=gamma, A=1.0, v=0.5, initial_x=init_x, initial_y=0.0)
dt = 0.01 # Time step
phase = []
x_state = []
y_state = []
t_array = np.arange(0,10,dt)
for time in t_array :
osc.update_dynamics(0, 0, 0, dt)
plt.plot(x_state ,y_state,lw=1)
# Calculate the trace at each point on the grid
Trace = gamma*(2*A-3*np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2))
# Plot the trace using imshow
plt.imshow(Trace, extent=(x_vals.min(), x_vals.max(), y_vals.min(), y_vals.max()),
origin='lower', cmap='viridis')
plt.title(r'Trace of $\left(-\frac{A \gamma x}{2} - \frac{A \gamma y}{2}\right)$')
# Initialize an oscillator at position (i, j) with specific parameters
gamma = 0.5
for init_x in [0.2,0.5,0.8,1.5,2]:
osc = Oscillator(index=(0, 0), gamma=gamma, A=1.0, v=0.5, initial_x=init_x, initial_y=0.0)
dt = 0.01 # Time step
phase = []
x_state = []
y_state = []
t_array = np.arange(0,10,dt)
for time in t_array :
osc.update_dynamics(0, 0, 0, dt)
plt.plot(x_state ,y_state,lw=1)
# Calculate the trace at each point on the grid
Trace = gamma*(2*A-3*np.sqrt(X**2 + Y**2))
# Plot the trace using imshow
plt.imshow(Trace, extent=(x_vals.min(), x_vals.max(), y_vals.min(), y_vals.max()),
origin='lower', cmap='viridis')
plt.title(r'Trace of $\left(-\frac{A \gamma x}{2} - \frac{A \gamma y}{2}\right)$')
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from tqdm.auto import tqdm as tqdm
# Parameters
N = 40 # Size of the lattice (NxN)
gamma = 1.0 # Self-regulation rate
A = 1.0 # Desired amplitude of oscillations
omega = 1.0 # Natural frequency of oscillators
epsilon = 0.1 # Coupling strength
dt = 0.01 # Time step for integration
steps = 2000 # Number of simulation steps
# Initialize the lattice of oscillators
lattice = np.empty((N, N), dtype=object)
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
initial_phase = np.random.rand() * 2 * np.pi
initial_x = np.cos(initial_phase)
initial_y = np.sin(initial_phase)
lattice[i, j] = Oscillator(index=(i, j), gamma=gamma, A=A, v=omega, initial_x=initial_x, initial_y=initial_y)
# Simulation function
def simulate_lattice():
phases = np.zeros((N, N, steps))
for t in tqdm(range(steps),desc='Simulating lattice'):
# Update each oscillator
for i in range(N):
for j in range(N):
# Calculate coupling from neighbors
neighbors = [
lattice[(i+1) % N, j], lattice[(i-1) % N, j], # Vertical neighbors
lattice[i, (j+1) % N], lattice[i, (j-1) % N] # Horizontal neighbors
coupling_x = sum(neighbor.x - lattice[i, j].x for neighbor in neighbors)
coupling_y = sum(neighbor.y - lattice[i, j].y for neighbor in neighbors)
# Update oscillator dynamics with coupling
lattice[i, j].update_dynamics(coupling_x, coupling_y, epsilon, dt)
# Record the phase
phases[i, j, t] = lattice[i, j].get_phase()
return phases
# Run the simulation
phases_over_time = simulate_lattice()
# Set up the figure and axis for the animation
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = ax.imshow(np.sin(phases_over_time[:, :, 0]), cmap="twilight", origin="lower")
plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, label="Phase (sin)")
# Animation function
def update(frame):
im.set_array(np.sin(phases_over_time[:, :, frame]))
ax.set_title(f"Coupled Poincaré Oscillators - Step {frame}")
return [im]
# Create the animation
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=steps, interval=50, blit=True)
# To display the animation inline (if using Jupyter Notebook), use:
# from IPython.display import HTML
# HTML(ani.to_jshtml())
# To save the animation as a .gif or .mp4 file, uncomment one of these:
# ani.save("poincare_oscillators.gif", writer="imagemagick")
# ani.save("poincare_oscillators.mp4", writer="ffmpeg")
Simulating lattice: 0%| | 0/2000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
from IPython.display import HTML
Animation size has reached 20977680 bytes, exceeding the limit of 20971520.0. If you're sure you want a larger animation embedded, set the animation.embed_limit rc parameter to a larger value (in MB). This and further frames will be dropped.